The Mistake of Getting Handcuffed to Your Brand
One of the biggest mistakes I see C-level executives and companies make from a marketing and branding standpoint is being handcuffed TO the brand. And while brand is important, the most important things to identify are: · WHO your company is in …
Effectively driving traffic
Driving traffic, often, to landing pages and websites you control (vs. your company’s organic page inside the social network) allows you to be much more able to make the person DO something. Simply: If you’re not using landing pages, and your …
Why it’s important for CEO’s to have a basic understanding of digital marketing
In this segment from my wide-ranging conversation with SarderTV, we talk more about why it’s important for CEO’s to have a basic understanding of digital marketing: · to appropriately hire and manage a strong marketing team; · to recognize the standards and …
Interview with “The Authors Show”
Thanks to “The Authors Show” for having me on to talk more about my new book “The CEO’s Digital Marketing Playbook.” This book is about: · creating new, or engaging with current, customers; · driving more revenue and profit; · and the …
Is your company ready for a more advanced next step in your journey of more actionable and advanced analytics?
Is your company ready for a more advanced next step in your journey of more actionable and advanced analytics? I would contend that the rather significant investments in your: · Employees’ time; · Your marketing and IT budget; and · Emotional bandwidth/focus …
Facebook & Privacy
My recent conversation with Indus Special addressed the frequently asked question, “Is Facebook actually doing anything about privacy?” And the answer is… “kind of.” To explain, agencies are the pipeline for Facebook’s revenue, and digital advertisers, their clients, and other agencies like …
Social Media Platform Growth & Revenue Trends
In this recent segment with Indus Special, we discuss social media platform growth and revenue trends in an era of privacy breaches and increased user caution. The big picture? For Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google they’ve experienced “explosive” year-over-year growth. Why? In …
The Small Details Make Search Engine Marketing Work
It’s amazing how thin the line is between a Google Ads (or Bing) campaign that has a great cost per acquisition and ROI and one that misses the mark where you feel like shutting down the whole paid search channel. It’s not …
How to Know You’re Hiring a Good Digital Agency
Would you hire a law firm for trial if the partners at the firm hadn’t ever litigated? Would you go to a dentist to operate on your eye? In the 21st Century, one-stop shops and/or teams that are led by executives who …
Marketers: Stop Getting Sold on Tech You Don’t Need
There is so much white noise and wasted time when executives and marketers focus on data vs. the right data and the right reports. It’s easier to sell companies on the new fancy SaaS platform or analytics package when they should really …