Thomas J. Donohoe, CEO and Founder of Level Agency
Frontline employees aren’t the only ones with wisdom to share. Sometimes, even the most senior employees deserve a little more attention. “My president, along with my SVP and employee No. 1, sat me down a few days shy of New Year’s 2018 and told me that, while our company had come a long way, I was the biggest reason for limiting growth,” Donohoe says. “They also said that unless a few specific things changed, both would be leaving the company.”
After that dramatic warning, Donohoe recognized that he had been suffocating the growth of his top team. So he took a step back to focus on a smaller number of tasks, leaving his trusted inner circle to manage their departments with more freedom. Today, Donohoe says the company is running better than ever, KPIs have improved, and his people are happier—all because he listened when his team asked for more space.